
NASA launched its reimagined art program by unveiling two murals on Sept. 23, 2024. The murals, titled “To the Moon, and Back,” were created by New York-based artist team Geraluz and WERC and use geometrical patterns to invite deeper reflection on the exploration, creativity, and connection with the cosmos. The vision of this next phase is to inspire and engage the Artemis Generation with community murals and other art projects for the benefit of humanity.

NASA has long used art to tell the story of its awe-inspiring missions. Soon after its inception, the agency started a formal program commissioning artists to develop inspiring pieces like portraits and paintings that highlighted an unexpected side of the agency. In 1962, NASA’s then Administrator James Webb tasked staffer and artist James Dean with implementing the new program, and with the help of the National Gallery of Art, Dean laid the framework to artistically capture the inspiration of NASA’s Apollo program. As the NASA Art Program continues to evolve, the agency remains focused on inspiring and engaging the next generation of explorers – the Artemis Generation – in new and unexpected ways, including through art.

Image Credit: NASA/Joel Kowsky

NASA于2024年9月23日揭幕了两幅壁画,启动了其重新设计的艺术项目。这两幅壁画名为 “To the Moon, and Back”,由纽约艺术家团队杰拉鲁兹(Geraluz)和WERC创作,利用几何图案引人深入思考探索、创造力以及与宇宙的联系。下一阶段的愿景是通过社区壁画和其他艺术项目启发和吸引阿尔忒弥斯一代,造福人类。

长期以来,NASA一直利用艺术来讲述其令人敬畏的任务。该机构在成立后不久就启动了一项正式计划,委托艺术家创作肖像画和油画等鼓舞人心的作品,以突出该机构意想不到的一面。1962年,NASA时任局长詹姆斯·韦伯(James Webb)委托工作人员和艺术家詹姆斯·迪恩(James Dean)负责实施这项新计划,在美国国家美术馆的帮助下,迪恩制定了艺术框架,以捕捉NASA阿波罗计划的灵感。随着NASA艺术计划的不断发展,该机构将继续致力于以意想不到的新方式(包括通过艺术)激励和吸引下一代探险家——阿尔忒弥斯一代。

图片来源: NASA/Joel Kowsky

