NASA astronaut Alan Bean steps off the lunar module ladder in this photo from Nov. 19, 1969, joining astronaut Charles Conrad Jr. on the Moon in the area called the Ocean of Storms. The two would then complete two spacewalks on the lunar surface, deploying science instruments, collecting geology samples, and inspecting the Surveyor 3 spacecraft, which had landed in the same area. While Bean and Conrad worked on the Moon, astronaut Richard F. Gordon completed science from lunar orbit.
Learn more about Apollo 12’s pinpoint landing on the Moon.
Image credit: NASA
在这张拍摄于1969年11月19日的照片中,NASA宇航员艾伦·宾(Alan Bean)从登月舱梯子上走下来,与宇航员查尔斯·康拉德(Charles Conrad Jr.)一同探索名为风暴洋的月球区域。随后,这两位宇航员在月球表面完成了两次太空行走,部署科学仪器、采集地质样本,并检查了此前降落在同一区域的勘测者3号航天器。在宾和康拉德在月球上工作时,宇航员理查德·F·戈登(Richard F. Gordon)则在月球轨道上进行科学研究。
图片来源: NASA