NASA’s X-59 quiet supersonic research aircraft completed its first maximum afterburner test at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works facility in Palmdale, California. This full-power test, during which the engine generates additional thrust, validates the additional power needed for meeting the testing conditions of the aircraft. The X-59 is the centerpiece of NASA’s Quesst mission, which aims to overcome a major barrier to supersonic flight over land by reducing the noise of sonic booms.
Image Credit: Lockheed Martin Corporation/Garry Tice
NASA的X-59静音超音速研究飞机在加利福尼亚州帕姆代尔的洛克希德·马丁臭鼬工厂完成了首次最大加力测试。在此次全功率测试中,引擎产生额外的推力,以验证满足飞机测试条件所需的额外动力。X-59是NASA Quesst任务的核心,该任务旨在通过降低音爆的噪音,克服陆地超音速飞行的主要障碍。
图片来源: Lockheed Martin Corporation/Garry Tice