iss072e031823 (Oct. 7, 2024) — Peering through the window of the SpaceX Dragon Endeavour spacecraft, NASA astronaut Matthew Dominick captured this image of the SpaceX Dragon Freedom spacecraft as vivid green and pink aurora swirled through Earth’s atmosphere while the International Space Station soared 273 miles above the Indian Ocean.
Image Credit: NASA
iss072e031823(2024年10月7日)——通过SpaceX奋进号龙飞船的舷窗,NASA宇航员马修·多米尼克(Matthew Dominick)拍下了这张照片。画面中,SpaceX自由号龙飞船与地球大气层中绚丽的绿色与粉色极光交相辉映,而此时国际空间站正在印度洋上空273英里处翱翔。
图片来源: NASA