On Jan. 10, 2025, NASA astronaut Don Pettit posted two images of the Los Angeles fires from the International Space Station. Multiple destructive fires broke out in the hills of Los Angeles County in early January 2025, fueled by a dry landscape and winds that gusted up to 100 miles per hour.
See satellite imagery of the fires.
Image credit: NASA/Don Pettit
2025年1月10日,NASA宇航员唐·佩蒂特(Don Pettit)从国际空间站发布了两张洛杉矶大火的照片。2025年1月初,洛杉矶县的丘陵地区发生了多起破坏性火灾,干燥的地貌和时速高达100英里的强风助长了火势。
图片来源: NASA/Don Pettit