2019年6月20日美国东部时间周四凌晨5点30分,一枚40英尺高的火箭从美国宇航局位于弗吉尼亚州的瓦勒普斯飞行基地发射升空,火箭上载有28个学生实验设备(测量加速度、湿度、压力、温度和辐射计数)。 这次发布是RockOn!项目的一部分!这个项目旨在帮助学生学习和应用亚轨道太空飞行建筑实验技能的课程。来自美国各地的200多名大学生见证了他们在美国宇航局亚轨道探测火箭上进行的实验。
At 5:30 a.m. EDT Thursday, June 20, 2019, a 40-foot tall rocket carrying 28 student experiments (measuring acceleration, humidity, pressure, temperature and radiation counts) launched from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. The launch is part of the RockOn! programs designed for students to learn and apply skills in building experiments for suborbital space flight. More than 200 university students from across the United States witnessed the launching of their experiments aboard a NASA suborbital sounding rocket.
Participants in RockOn! receive instruction on the basics required to develop a scientific payload for flight on a suborbital rocket. After learning the basics in RockOn!, students may then participate in RockSat-C, where during the school year they design and build a more complicated experiment.
Image Credit: NASA/Allison Stancil-Ervin