2019年6月24日星期一,美国宇航局宇航员和宇航员办公室代表乔·阿卡巴与美国宇航局、加拿大航天局和俄罗斯宇航局的其他团队一起从卡拉甘达到热兹卡兹甘,提前为在第59号远征队的美国宇航局的安妮·麦克莱恩(Anne McClain)、加拿大航天局的大卫·圣·雅克(David Saint-Jacques)和俄罗斯宇航局的奥列格·科诺年科(Oleg Kononenko)等宇航员做着陆前的准备。星期一晚些时候,麦克莱恩、圣雅克和科诺年科在太空中度过了204天,他们是国际空间站上第58、59号远征队的机组人员。
NASA astronaut and Astronaut Office Representative Joe Acaba is seen along with other NASA, Canadian Space Agency and Roscosmos teams as they deploy from Karaganda to Zhezkazgan, Kazakhstan in advance of the landing of Expedition 59 crew members Anne McClain of NASA, David Saint-Jacques of the Canadian Space Agency and Oleg Kononenko of Roscosmos, Monday, June 24, 2019. McClain, Later on Monday, Saint-Jacques and Kononenko are returning after 204 days in space where they served as members of the Expedition 58 and 59 crews onboard the International Space Station.
Image Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls